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CreativeACTIONs 2 | Press Release

 Harare, 17 August 2023

Culture Fund of Zimbabwe Trust and EU Delegation extend support to 5 new projects in Zimbabwe under CreativeACTIONs2 project


The Culture Fund of Zimbabwe Trust and the EU Delegation to Zimbabwe are proud to announce the award of a combined total of USD $49,264.00 to an additional 5 projects in Zimbabwe, as part of the ongoing CreativeACTIONs2 project. This announcement comes at a time when 42 other projects, awarded USD 748,588.00 in June 2023, are in the early stages of implementing their activities.


The recent allocation of funds has been particularly directed to addressing the needs of vulnerable communities. Individuals from the People with Disabilities (PWD) communities, marginalised and emerging creatives, and women from rural communities have been prioritised, based on demonstrated capacities to improve livelihoods.


Through the Culture Fund of Zimbabwe Trust, the EU has committed EUR 2,060,500 over 36 months to the CreativeACTIONs2 project. The project was launched in January 2023 with a focus on nurturing and empowering Zimbabwean artists and cultural practitioners across a spectrum of disciplines, encompassing music, dance, theatre, literary arts, and fashion. 


CreativeACTIONs2 aims at complimenting national development priorities by funding innovative artistic and cultural expressions, empowering civil society, promoting gender equality and women's empowerment, and providing training and skills development programs for arts and culture practitioners.


As part of this ongoing endeavor, the Culture Fund of Zimbabwe Trust and the EU Delegation have earmarked the next cycle of small grants funding, expected to take place between October and November 2023. Interested applicants are invited to access and download application forms directly from the Culture Fund. 


Previously supported CreativeACTIONs2 projects can be accessed here.



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Twitter:      @culturefundzim


Phone:       +263 242794617 / +263 242794211


Celebration of the inaugural Britain Zimbabwe Society Lifetime Achievement Award to writer, historian and cultural icon Pathisa Nyathi

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