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163 festival acts, 82 featured women, 600 children, and 120 youth from the streets. 


  • Marginalised and Privileged Youth (1400 marginalised and 600 privileged) 

  • Designers and crafters (12 local designers and 40 crafters)

  • Civil society (49 237 audience in 2015 and 32 452 audience in 2017)

  • Local and international artists 




The Action used Arts and Culture to foster social cohesion, peace and reduction of poverty in the context of cultural diversity, free expression, gender equality and improved human rights. HIFA was particularly successful in bringing together divided communities and in building social relationships through Arts and Culture. As one audience member stated: “HIFA is an amazing festival and we’ve had some amazing performances amongst what is always a world class line up. The festival is a platform for hope and engagement and has been a space for solace and fortification after many years of political frustration for the people of Zimbabwe.” HIFA strengthened broad participation by Zimbabweans in the Festival through platforms that fostered free expression specifically promoting, asserting and defending human, cultural and socio-economic rights targeting women and youths. It used the Arts, specifically through HIFA’s Outreach Programme, to promote social justice and equality. 

Get in Touch

+263 242 794211/ 794617/ 794530

51 Harvey Brown Avenue, Milton Park Harare Zimbabwe

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Copyright: Culture Fund 2021

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